The Best Rangefinders For Hunters

Rangefinders solve a problem that every hunter faces at some point – judging how far an animal is away. Misjudging the distance can result in missing or wounding your prey.


The best rangefinders have a good viewfinder with a double image and a ghost image projected by a second viewing port. This makes it easy to use in poor light and with bad eyesight. Explore high-performance gear at Elk Calls for Hunters

Rangefinders are one of the most important pieces of equipment that hunters carry with them. They allow them to eliminate guesswork when estimating distances of their target. These devices use a laser beam to measure the distance of the target and then sends that information to the hunter’s eye. This way, hunters know exactly how far away their target is and can take a precise shot.

The accuracy of a rangefinder can vary from model to model, but most of them are accurate enough for hunting purposes. However, you should be aware that some models can have a different reading for the same object due to different factors. For example, the color and texture of the target may affect the results.

A good rangefinder should also be able to display angle-compensating distances. This is an important feature for bowhunters, who may need to account for the angle of their arrow or bullet in order to get accurate results. Some of the best rangefinders offer this functionality by using a rifleman’s rule or simple Pythagorean geometry to calculate the corrected distance. Others are available for a much higher price and use ballistics data to calculate the correct distance.

Another important feature of a good rangefinder is that it should be able to display line-of-sight and horizontal distances. This is helpful when a hunter is on a steep angle, such as being in a tree stand. These types of angles can make it difficult to judge the distance of a target and can cause the size of a deer’s chest to shrink or expand.

Many of the newer rangefinders have a scan mode that allows the user to press and hold down the rangefinder button to quickly read ongoing distance measurements. This is a useful tool for hunters who want to avoid having to continuously push the button while looking at their target.

The quality of a rangefinder depends on the type of lens and sensor used, as well as the optics, processing power, and sensitivity. It is important to choose the right rangefinder for your needs, so it’s worth taking some time to compare different options. A good rangefinder should be easy to use and durable enough for the demands of a hunting trip.

They are easy to use

Rangefinders are easy to use for most people, but they aren’t for everyone. Some users may find the ergonomics of a rangefinder uncomfortable or difficult to adjust to. Others might not appreciate the lack of features that a modern SLR camera has, such as auto focus or zoom lenses. The best way to determine whether or not a person will like a rangefinder is to try one out for themselves.

The most basic rangefinder is a small handheld device that shoots out a laser beam and measures the distance to your target. It does this by calculating the time it takes for the beam to reach your target and then reflect back to the sensor. It is typically accurate to within plus or minus a yard. Some advanced models can even be precise to a tenth of a yard.

However, this type of accuracy is only possible under ideal conditions. This includes using the device during a clear day and avoiding interference from things like fog, rain, or extremely bright lights. In these situations, it is easy for the rangefinder to provide a false reading.

There are also times when a user may misalign the reticle with their target. This can happen when they have a difficult time seeing the target through the viewfinder. It may also be due to a slight shift in the camera’s lens that isn’t detected by the viewfinder. This error can be corrected by manually adjusting the position of the reticle.

Some rangefinders are more complicated than others and may require more experience to learn how to operate. In this case, it is a good idea to look for a model that has intuitive controls and an interface that is easy to understand. Some models will also have a number of helpful features, such as the ability to switch between yards and meters or toggle slope on and off.

Another factor to consider is how durable the rangefinder is. Golfers often spend a lot of time outdoors, so the rangefinder should be able to withstand rough weather conditions and frequent use. It should also be waterproof or water-resistant and have a rugged design.

They are accurate

A rangefinder is an electronic device that measures distances between you and a target using lasers. It can be used to help golfers hit the ball with greater accuracy. A rangefinder can also be useful for hunting and other sports. It can tell you the distance of a tree, animal, or even a flagpole. In addition, it can also help hunters determine the best shooting position. However, if you are not careful enough to use the tool correctly, it may not provide accurate readings. It is important to note that the accuracy of a rangefinder can vary depending on weather conditions. Humidity, snow, and airborne particulates can diffuse the laser beam, affecting its accuracy. Similarly, higher temperatures and pressures can decrease the speed of light through the air. The size of the target and its reflective capacity can also affect its ability to reflect the laser signal.

The accuracy of a rangefinder depends on several factors, including the type of object, its color, and its transparency. It is important to understand these factors before purchasing a rangefinder. It is possible to measure the distance to a target up to a few millimeters with high precision, which makes it much more accurate than traditional tape measures.

In order to achieve the highest possible accuracy, it is important to use a rangefinder in good weather conditions. This means avoiding fog, rain, and extremely bright lights. Also, make sure that you are looking through the viewfinder window when using a rangefinder. Otherwise, you may inadvertently frame your subject incorrectly and get a false measurement.

Despite their limitations, rangefinder cameras can offer a photographer simplicity, pleasure, and challenge. Henri Cartier-Bresson made photos better than most people will ever achieve, and he used a rangefinder camera. While some people don’t like the idea of a rangefinder because it lacks features found on modern SLR cameras, others love it because of its simplicity and classic approach to photography. If you have never tried one, give it a try. It might just change your life. The smallest model can cost less than $100, and the most expensive can be over $10,000.

They are affordable

If you are a hunter that is looking to upgrade your old rangefinder with a new one, there are many options available. Rangfinders can be found at many different prices and are a valuable tool to have in your hunting bag. However, not all rangefinders are created equal. Some are better than others and it is important to know the differences when making your decision. To help you make the right choice, here are some of the best rangefinders on the market today.

Unlike SLR cameras, rangefinders have a viewfinder window that sits above and beside the lens. This allows for easy focusing, but it also can restrict the image you can see. This is especially a problem with long lenses, such as the popular 70-200mm lens. It is also difficult to use a macro lens with a rangefinder, because it can be hard to focus on a close object.

The Leupold Alpha IQ is the newest rangefinder from the Leupold line. It has a few innovative features, including a new ranging system that provides faster, more accurate readings. This technology uses a tighter laser beam and a higher pulse rate. The result is a more precise reading than previous rangefinders. 

Another feature of the Alpha IQ is slope functionality. This feature is very useful for golfers, as it adjusts the distance based on elevation. This is particularly helpful on hilly courses where an uphill shot will play longer than a downhill one. However, this function is illegal in competition play so be sure to check the technical specifications before using it.

While the rise of SLR cameras ended rangefinders’ dominance in photography, they still exist and are a popular option for hunters and golfers. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced photographer, a rangefinder is an affordable way to improve your shooting and hunting skills. However, before you buy a rangefinder, it’s important to consider your needs and budget. The list below includes four of the best rangefinders for your money.